Module pygravity.twod

This is the 2D implementation of pygravity


Vector2 GravityContainer GravityCaster GravityAcceptor PhysicsManager


util Utility classes pygame_simulation Rendering tools that use pygravity.twod.util and pygame

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"""This is the 2D implementation of pygravity


    Utility classes
    Rendering tools that use pygravity.twod.util and pygame

from pygravity.twod.gravity import (GravityAcceptor, GravityCaster,
from pygravity.twod.physics import PhysicsManager
from pygravity.twod.vector import Vector2

__all__ = ['Vector2',
           'GravityContainer', 'GravityCaster', 'GravityAcceptor',



Generic 2D gravity related classes for pygravity


An object to hold the current position and velocity of physics-enabled objects (2D pygravity)


Vector2 implementation used by pygravity


class GravityAcceptor (position: Vector2, container: GravityContainer, physics_manager: PhysicsManager)

Represents a body that can get pulled on by other spatial bodies


position : Vector2
The current position of the body (in meters)
container : GravityContainer
The container with GravityCasters that can pull on this body
physics_manager : PhysicsManager
The manager to which to add calculated velocity to

Instance variables

var container

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var physics_manager

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var position

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def calculate(self, time_passed: float) ‑> Vector2

Calculates the things that happened to this body within time_passed The unit for time_passed is seconds This function returns the velocity that was applied to this body

class GravityCaster (position: Vector2, mass: float)

Represents a spatial body that can pull on other spatial bodies


position : Vector2
The current position of the body (in meters)
mass : float
The mass of the body (in kilograms)

Instance variables

var mass

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var position

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

class GravityContainer (*casters: GravityCaster)

List optimized for GravityCaster objects


def add_caster(self, caster: GravityCaster)

Adds a caster to this containter

def add_casters(self, *casters: GravityCaster)

Adds multiple casters to this container (potentially slower than add_caster)

def remove_caster(self, caster: GravityCaster) ‑> GravityCaster

Removes the specified caster from this container and returns it

class PhysicsManager (position: Vector2, velocity: Vector2 = None)

An object to hold the current position and velocity of physics-enabled objects


positon : Vector2
The current position of the physics-enabled object. It is mutable.
velocity : Vector2
The current velocity of the physics-enabled object. It is mutable.

Instance variables

var position

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var velocity

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def add_velocity(self, x: float, y: float)

Adds the specified velocity to the object

def add_velocity_vector(self, velocity: Vector2)

Same as add_velocity but uses a Vector2 instead of x and y amounts

def calculate(self, time_passed: float) ‑> Vector2

Updates this object's position based on current velocity The unit for time used anywhere in pygravity is seconds This function returns the amount that the body moved (equal to self.velocity * time_passed)

class Vector2 (x: float = 0, y: float = 0)


x : float
The X coordinate.
y : float
The Y coordinate.

Instance variables

var x

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var y

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def as_direction_magnitude(self) ‑> Tuple[float, float]

Return (self.direction(), self.magnitude())

def as_tuple(self) ‑> Tuple[float, float]

Return (self.x, self.y)

def copy(self) ‑> Vector2

Create a copy of this vector and return it

def direction(self) ‑> float

Return the direction this vector is facing (in degrees)

def from_direction_magnitude(cls, angle: float, distance: float) ‑> Vector2

Create a vector from an angle and length. Angle is in degrees.

def magnitude(self) ‑> float

Return this vector's magnitude

def normalize(self)

Mutably normalize this vector so it has a length of 0, while keeping the same direction

def set_to(self, x: float, y: float)

Mutably update this vector's x and y coordinates to x and y, respectively

def sqr_magnitude(self) ‑> float

Return the square of this vector's magnitude. This is faster to compute because the square root doesn't have to calculated.